Monday, April 30, 2018

In the Hands of the Lord

Helloooooo so I think I'm going to just stop responding to people when they ask me how much time I have left. I'm just going to smile and keep working. 

Have fun translating! sorry!

entonces este semana sentí que fuimos guiados mucho por la mano del Señor. el lunes tuvimos un buen dia planificada. ibamos a tener un noche de hogar en la casa de un miembro con uno de nuestros PFs y todo estaba preparada para eso. pero llegó 6:30 de la tarde y TODOS nuestros citas nos cancelaron. y los miembros estaban esperando que llegamos con investigadores a su casa en una hora!! entonces empezé a llamar a TODOS, invitando todos nuestros investigadores a la noche de hogar. ninguno contestaron. mientras que estaba llamando, caminamos hacia la casa de un investigador que siempre esta en casa que tal vez pudimos llevar al noche de hogar. estaba preocupada pero oré y seguí el espiritu. en camino, pensamos a tocar la puerta de una otra investigadora que solo habiamos tenido un leccion recien. pero tocabamos su puerta y la invitamos al noche de hogar. y dijo que si!! nospermitió a pasar mientras que ella se listaba y llegó su esposo de su trabajo. pudimos conocer a el y lo invitamos tambien. a final TODO su familia fueron con nosotras a la casa de estes miembros que nos estaban esperando con todo ya preparaday fue un noche que hablemos de la familia. fue hermoso y lo que fue más asombroso de todo fue que fuimos perfectamente puntuales,como Dios tuvo todo ya planificada para este noche, y por seguir lo que el espiritu me dijo, tuvimos un noche más exitoso que lo que nostostras mismas pudriamos preparar. Dios conoce sus hijos, y sabe sus necesidades. este es SU obra y solo somos sus herrimienta. si permitimos que el nos guie, tendremos mucho más exito. lo más importante es para seguir el espiritu. 
este mismo tipo de experiencia pasó con nuestro actrividad del barrio que tuvimos este sabado. tuvimos una NOche de Postres. cada familia tienian que venier y tenian que traer un postre para compartir. y fue un GRAN EXITO!! personas treaeron postres y amigos y sus familiares y fue MUY divertido y tuvimos refrencias y sentimos que tenemos mucho más confianza de los miembros ahora. y nos estan ayudando mucho más en la obra misional. todo es posible cuando tenemos caridad, y cuando ayudamos a otras personas a tener caridad tambien! este es un obra de amor!

12 semana esta yendo bien. hna Murdock esta progresando bien y tengo muchos ideas a como puedo audarla aun más. estamos estudiando el idioma en la calle, y estoy tratando a darla más oportunidades a hablar y participar.

terminé el libro de mormón este semana. sé que es verdadero. con todo mi alma y corazon. es un libro poderoso. y es lo mejor misionero. estoy agradacida ser miembro de la iglesia de Jesucristo.

And now--the Google Translate Version:

Then this week I felt that we were guided a lot by the hand of the Lord. On Monday we had a good planned day. We were going to have a family home evening at a member's house with one of our PFs and everything was ready for that. but it arrived 6:30 in the afternoon and ALL our appointments canceled us. and the members were waiting for us to arrive with researchers at their home in an hour !! then I started calling ALL, inviting all our researchers to family home evening. none answered. While I was calling, we walked to the house of an investigator who is always at home that maybe we could take to family home evening. I was worried but I prayed and followed the spirit. On the way, we thought to knock on the door of another researcher that we had just had a lesson. but we knocked on her door and invited her to the home evening. and said yes! She allowed us to go through while she was listing and her husband arrived from his job. We could meet him and we invite him too. At the end, ALL his family went with us to the house of these members who were waiting for us with everything ready and it was a night that we talked about the family. It was beautiful and what was most amazing of all was that we were perfectly punctual, as God had everything planned for tonight, and to follow what the spirit told me, we had a more successful night than what we ourselves could prepare. God knows his children, and knows their needs. This is HIS work and we are only his tool. if we allow him to guide us, we will have much more success. The most important thing is to follow the spirit.
This same kind of experience happened with our neighborhood activity that we had this Saturday. We had a dessert night. Each family had to come and they had to bring a dessert to share. and it was a GREAT SUCCESS !! People tried desserts and friends and their relatives and it was VERY fun and we had feedback and we feel that we have much more confidence from the members now. and they are helping us much more in the missionary work. Everything is possible when we have charity, and when we help other people to have charity too! This is a work of love!

12 weeks is going well. Sr. Murdock is making good progress and I have many ideas on how I can augment her even more. We are studying the language in the street, and I am trying to give it more opportunities to speak and participate.

I finished the Mormon book this week. I know it's true. with all my heart and soul It is a powerful book. and it is the best missionary. I am grateful to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ.
I know that The Book of Mormon is True. I am proud to be a member of the Lords church. this week the lyrics of this song came to my mind and I will share them with you as my testimony for this week.

I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints.

I know who I am.

I know God´s plan.

I´ll follow Him in faith.

I Love the Lord. I know He lives. We can always find Peace in Christ.
I love being the Lords missionary and I know that this is His work.

Love and luck from Bolivia,
Hermana Brown

-yo y hna Murdock
-the taborotchi trees are blooming. its beuatiful

Monday, April 23, 2018

Training Baptism and Testimony

Hey guys!! Not much time but I'll go over the important things: Training, a Baptism, and the worst question ever "how much time do you have?"


So hna Murdock is really progressing a lot and so am I!! Honestly, it's difficult to be a trainer, because you have to kind of pull the weight of two missionaries but when you have a great junior companion it makes a lot easier!! Hna Murdock is studying hard and helps me in all the things that she can, and that helps me a whole lot when I'm worrying about all the things that need to be done. She helps me stay on track and remember important things and truly it is miraculous to watch he gift of tongues work in her! The people love her and are more open to listen to us when she starts to speak, because they recognize the huge effort that she's making means that what shes saying is something really important. At the same time, this week I realized how much my testimony really has grown. I now feel comfortable to testify of the gospel sincerely and with power and authority. And it makes a big difference in lessons! One investigator told us "I  believe its true because of the way you talk about it." That was cool!


One of my investigators that moved recently to another area got baptised!! I'm so happy that I could participate in her teaching!! Her name is Alejandra Mancila: there's a picture below! The gospel truly changes lives and people!

"how much time...?"
every time someone asks me that question it kills me inside. But it is pretty funny to see their reactions when I tell them "3 weeks".


I know the church is true. I know Christ Lives. I know that God loves us and that we are His children. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. I know that the fullness of the Gospel has been restored. I love to be a missionary.

How can you strengthen your testimony this week?

love y'all!
hermana Brown

Monday, April 16, 2018

17 Months!!! WHAT???

Hey guys!! So I just completed 17 months in the mission WHAT?? I feel weird. but its been a great week honestly.

Hna Maman about to go home! 

Hna Murdock

Mi hija is doing fantastic!! Its really hard to learn a language but she's working super hard. I'm super proud of her. She's a great support and inspiration to me. Its amazing to realize how quickly the gift of tongues works. She doesn't realize it because she feels like she needs to know things instantly but honestly I can see how she's learning everything at such an incredibly fast rate, that she is truly a miracle unfolding before my eyes. and then I see myself, and how fluent I speak now and all of the gospel things I've learning and how far I've come and it makes me realize how truly miraculous  missionaries are. Training isn't easy, but its wonderful. I love my companion.


So this week we received and contacted some great references. We found a family who "want to have a testimony and be happy" like the members that they know and also another investigator that wants to understand why there are so many churches and was fascinated with the message of the Restoration. I feel like God is truly guiding us to the places we need to be and he is guiding our words to say the things we need to say. 
Send your references to the missionaries!!!

Let you Light so Shine

So in Mathew 5 and in 3 nephi , Christ tells us that we each have a light that we need to shine with the world. This week I've really felt full of light. I've realized that I have talents and unique experiences and a testimony to share that can help other people be happy and I want to share it!! I also loved seeing our member in church yesterday because I could see that every person has a beautiful light that they can share with the world. I want to help people find their own light and shine it. President Thomas S. Monson says "if you want to help other shine, you must first glow yourself." I'm trying to Light the World. and I know that everyone of you guys also have a wonderful light that you can share. I invite you to share it!! Help the world be a brighter place. Focus on the good, rejoice in the success of others. We all are a part of the body of Christ. so please take care of each other and really get involved in this new "ministering" program. Because I know it is truly inspired of God. I'm excited for all the progress we are going to see this year!

I know the Christ is our Savior! I know that He Lives!! I know that the greatest joy in life comes from sharing the Gospel with others!

I love being a missionary!!!

Love from Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Hermana Brown

Monday, April 2, 2018

Cambios and Conferences

SO. Wasn't THAT the most crazy general conference you've ever seen??? And if you haven't seen it yet, watch it! here's the link:

So first of all, my companion hna Rayme is leaving and I stay here in Guarcal, and I'm going to TRAIN!!!!
I'm super excited! But also pretty nervous. I want to help this new missionary to have the best mission ever. For that I need to be the best missionary that I can be. Exactly obedient, and working hard and having lots of patience!!! But I know that this cambio has a lot of miracles waiting for us. My <3, soul, mind and strength are in the work of the Lord! and it truly is a marvelous work!!
Right now I'm with hna Ius, until my new new companion arrives on Wednesday so I don't know who she is yet. Don't know if shell be Gringa or Latina. 
But I'm excited to share my love for the work with her anyways.


So lots of incredible announcements and lots of wonderful, inspired talks from our wonderful church leaders. But I'd like to share with you guys the wonderful experience I had Saturday morning when we had the opportunity to sustain president Nelson as prophet, seer, and revelator. Here's what "sustain" means if you don't know: 

But I'd like to testify that I know with all of my hart and soul that President Nelson is A true prophet called of God. I know because the spirit filled my heart with such love and such joy while they proposed his sustainment to the members of the relief society and to the members of the church. In both opportunities I felt 100% sure that by raising my hand to sustain the Prophet, that I was indeed doing the right thing. I know that this is the Lords church. and I feel incredibly grateful that I can be apart of it. I feel even more incredibly grateful that I can be apart of building this, the Lords kingdom and spreading the Restored Gospel.
I know it is true, and truth does not need to be proved. It just is. 

Thank you for all your prayers, I hope you all can continue studying the conference talks this week in more depth.

I'm a Mormon, I know it, I live it, I love it.
Bolivia,Santa Cruz
Hermana Brown