Hey guys, I'd like to start this
email with an inspirational quote of the week:
"If God had a bedroom, you
would be in a photo on his nightstand."
Alright so I guess I'll start with the story that goes with
that quote.
So we were knocking doors and one door we knocked an old man
answered but when he opened the door and saw us he jumped back and yelled in
We literally gave him a good
scare? Then he asked us if we spoke English or Spanish and we said both and
then he started talking to us in perfect English??? It was really weird. He lives
in both Santa Monica, California and Tarija, Bolivia and he is half Jew half
Mexican but was converted to a Protestant church when he had a vision of Jesus and used to be a prophet apparently. He had an earring. And he had read an anti
Mormon biography on Joseph Smith. But apart from that he was quite nice and
pretty funny. He had some interesting views but he listened to our testimonies
of the Book of Mormon and reasonably accepted our invitation to read it and ask God if its true. It was cool, but weird cuz we spoke in English and it was
kinda hard for me and my comp to remember how to teach in English ha ha.
On other news: 10
MONNNNNNNTTTHHHSS!! WHAAAATATTT?!?!?!?! It was cool to have my comp and I complete 10 months on the same day. We had french toast to celebrate. It was
We also taught the relief
society how to make peanut butter this week. It was really great.
We had a lot of awesome work
this week and me and hna Gardner are having a great time together! At one point Pimienta followed us again but with 4 OTHER FRIENDS we were being followed by a
gang of 5 dogs at one point, what is happening.
Last p day
We went to the paleantioligical museum (I'm not gonna try to
spell it right I'm sorry)
This last p day! It was super
cool! Apparently Tarija is actually a hot spot with a LOT of the worlds dinosaur
bones! The one of the big skeleton (pic attached) was found in the park right
next to our bishops house!! and we also saw some cool minerals and some stuff
from ancient Americans (Lamanites!!) one pic I've attached is a pretty sick
picture of a really well preserved baby mummy. also some human skulls (one
looks like he died from getting his head bashed in). It was some pretty legit
stuff. Hna Gardner did ceramics a lot so she was excited about all the ceramic
jars. We also passed by "la casa dorada" which is on the back of the
twenty boliviano bill. It's very dorado. We're going to tour the inside another
day. we also bought our own mate pors! It was a really fun day! I'm glad my
comp likes to go out and sight see on p days! We're going to "la copa"
Well I love you all so much! Thank you for all your prayers they give me strength and hope! Please pray for
those caught in the natural disasters too! I know that the Book of Mormon is
the word of god and I know that I am doing his great and marvelous work in
Tarija Bolivia! I know that God loves us and wants our eternal happiness and
that the plan of salvation is true! I know that families can be together
forever and it is all possible because Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. I am so eternally grateful for these things. I am happy.
I hope you all have a wonderful
week and I hope you ll all do your personal scripture study and prayer and also
go to church this week! You can do it! (that's an invitation to everyone with
whatever beliefs or religion)
love you guys!
Tariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijaaaaaaaaaaaa, Bolivia
Hermana Brown
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